What We Do

CarthaGlobal Ventures LLC makes timely integrations of ideas, people, and resources across the invent-to-implement life cycle. We work with individuals and organizations at the intersection of innovation and collaboration.

Create new partnership ventures

Advance inventions and trade prospects

How We Do Our Work

We embrace the innate humility as well as the daring we may each possess at various life-phases to address contemporary problems of humanity.

Discover human-centered business development approaches

Develop humanity-centered business solutions

Why We Do What We Do

Inspired by the collective vision of CARTHA Collaborative Doers, our President, Usha R. Balakrishnan founded CarthaGlobal Ventures LLC in 2009.

Cultivate healthful and mutually-empowered human interactions

Craft hybrid business models to foster collaborative doings which empower everyday innovators and entrepreneurs

If our work, vision, and philosophy intrigue you, please contact us. We donate a portion of our net earnings (in addition to in-kind support) to CARTHA especially to empower younger generations of Collaborative Doers.